
热门搜索: 应召名册 丰乳镇娇妻 暴风欲女 假期/假日 美国巨乳皇后/American Beauties 留言求片



主要演员:Brigitte Parmentier Jean-Marie Lemaire Henri Lambert


语言字幕:法语发音 中文字幕


更新时间:2019/2/8 15:42:54



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战争片纳粹党卫军康宏1978年最新战争片纳粹党卫军康宏是由Brigitte Parmentier Jean-Marie Lemaire Henri Lambert等主要演员联合主演,主要讲述he German officer Erich von Strasser meets the beautiful Renata at an officer"s party. The woman and her father are in trouble because they are hiding a Jewish girl in the house. When Renata is sent to the eastern front with a group of women, Von Strasser decides to save her. Eric, a brilliant young German officer, is transfered back to Berlin. His superior officer tells him about his new assignment on the Russian front and then invites him to a luxurious villa. Gathered in the mansion are the most beautiful women: the army"s special services could enroll for the pleasure of its returning heroes.Eric is stupefied to recognize Renata among the women, who are all ready and willing to make love with any officer present. Not many years ago,while still students, Renata and Eric had been very much in love.After making love in a room put at their disposal, Renata tells him that she had no choice but to accept joining the army as an official camp follower: her father"s survival depended on it. The following morning, Renata leaves in a special women"s convoy for Eastern front where they are scheduled to entertain hard-pressed officers and men. Will Eric and Renata"s love survive those adventures?

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