
热门搜索: 应召名册 丰乳镇娇妻 暴风欲女 假期/假日 美国巨乳皇后/American Beauties 留言求片


  • 大海之梦全集高清



    主演:Charlene Blaine Wesley O Brian Jody Frank



  • Is about a husband and wife’s attempt to rekindle some fire and passion back into their marriage. They decide to take a cruise, the classic last attempt for many desperate couples. While we see the couple slowly fall apart, the movie flashes back to how they met and fell in love. She was a nurse on a hospital ship in the Vietnam War and he was a wounded pilot. Her memories of their past love keep her hopes alive as her husband mopes around the ship. She decides to throw the jealousy card down to see if he takes the bait. Will their love survive the cruise? Every sex scene is accompanied by ghastly music. Songs with such lyrics as: “I love you so much, I want to hold you forever” etc. One scene has a guy dreaming about being a caveman with two nurses and the song starts up, “I’m a caveman baby..a Romantic skin flick.




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